Huwebes, Oktubre 10, 2013

Haiku Poems

1.In the morning light
The glistening dew on plants
Looks like a rainbow
2.A little rabbit
Scurrying across the ground
Looking for breakfast
3.The birds are chirping
Calling to their families
Ready for hunting
4.In the heat of noon
Animals look for water
Or a shady place
5.The fox is stalking
The small scurrying rabbit
Readying to pounce
6.Shimmering rivers
Running all through the forest
Filled with scaly fish
7.Twilight is coming
The animals running off
To comfortable holes
8.The birds are flying
All the way back to their nests
So they can go sleep
9.The night has fallen
And the daylight has left us
Shadows above us
10.When midnight has come
The process of life repeats
And life can go on 
11.the green leaves are gone
Missing all the memories
Autumn please don't come heart is crying
Our mother is in great pain
How can we save her?
13.the leaves keep falling
Our nature is in danger
Still I'm just staring
14.If you are soft to them
The young sparrows
Will poop on you
15.Before I see green
Today I see deadly air
Tomorrow will end
16.I chopped wood all day
I bring poisonous basket
Now butterflies are gone
17.What to do with them,
In this world of coarse matter –
Ah, the butterflies!?
18.Creatures have homes
they call it environment
Humans ruin them
19.Rain is a soother
It drizzles from the heavens
Makes our mind to calm
20.Hug every tree you see
Tomorrow wont be the same
Green will turn to brown
21.Flowers are growing
I feel the wind blow past me
My heart keeps smiling
22.The seed is popping
Sun is helping it to grow
Let it live for years
23.The sun is rising
Thick blue sky is turning dark
We should stay inside
24.Let the moon appears
As the shining light goes
Let all close their eyes
25.Spiders climbing up
Keep falling from the strong wind
Huge tall trees help them
26.Sunlight melts the ice
The water is rising high
Sea is expanding
27.An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
28.Autumn moonlight—
a worm digs silently
into the chestnut.
29.Lightning flash—
what I thought were faces
are plumes of pampas grass.
30.A summer river being crossed
how pleasing
with sandals in my hands!
31.Light of the moon
Moves west, flowers' shadows
Creep eastward.
32.In the moonlight,
the color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.
33.Cherry blossoms bloom
Rumbly showers from the sky
Peace out, winter gloom!
34.Bats are swinging ‘round
Bases fully loaded now
Who will win the game?
35.Where did the snow go?
Who cares, it’s warm weather time!
Start the Spring parties!
36.Moms forever loved
Always there for everyone
Send your thanks her way
37.Inkers love the Spring
More BBQs and pot lucks!
We get our grub on
38.Oh whaaat? Spring is here?
Does that mean it’s t-shirt time?
Get ready for sun!
39.Hidden eggs around
Kids are on the hunt all day
Easter bunny hop!
40.Take that break from class
Get to the beach and relax
Moments with friends last
41.Someone getting hitched?
Plan a night to remember
Make the party last!
42.Customers love us
and we love our customers!
Best friends forever?
43.ground squirrel
balancing its tomato
on the garden fence - Don Eulert
44.As the wind does blow
Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May
45.I walk across sand
And find myself blistering
In the hot, hot heat
46.Falling to the ground,
I watch a leaf settle down
In a bed of brown.
48.It’s cold—and I wait
For someone to shelter me
And take me from here.
49.I hear crackling
Crunch, of today’s new found day
And know it won’t last
50.Falling to the ground,
I watch a leaf settle down

In a bed of brown.

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